Return to work with greater ease and confidence.

Going back to work after any period of time can be daunting. After all, hasn’t your world completely changed?! If you’ve been spending your maternity leave dwelling on your return, or you’ve been procrastinating about rejoining the paid workforce after been home for some time — or you’re returning to work after a disability leave, this is the program for you.

I get it.

I was home with my child for 2 years, and returning to work was anxiety-provoking for me, too. Fortunately, I learned a lot of the tricks to returning without a hitch, and my 20+ years of HR experience transitioning women back to work has been instrumental for my clients.

you’ve got this!

In this program, I will work with you to:

  • Process your feelings about returning to the paid workforce.

  • Reconnect with the woman you are — apart from being a mother — and what you want to bring into your life. Answer the question, “Who Am I?”

  • Explore your options, including going back to the same job/organization, selecting a different career path or new company, creating a side hustle or self-employment - or something else. Market yourself for your new line of work, as needed.

  • Create a vision for your new work/family lifestyle.

  • Adapt to a new way of living.

  • Effectively assimilate back into your job (let’s face it, a lot has changed since you took maternity leave).

  • Deal with perfectionism, mommy guilt, body selfconsciousness, job insecurities and other mindset traps that will hold you back from joy and success.

  • Implement a self-care strategy so you’ll always be at your best whether you’re parenting or killing it in your career.

Real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable.
— Theodore Vail